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Classes are tailored to the individual site's needs and will comply with OSHA standards.  Please call for pricing.


10-Hour OSHA Course – General Industry

This OSHA-authorized program covers the basics of the OSHA Safety and Health Standards that apply to the general industry worksite.  An overview of the most important OSHA rules is presented.  Participants will receive a course completion card from the OSHA Training Institute. 



30-Hour OSHA Course – General Industry

This is an intensive and broadly based safety and health course.  Our unique program is ideal for anyone desiring a more complete understanding of OSHA rules and regulations.  We use demonstrations, breakout sessions, and hands-on activities to keep the student engaged and entertained.  Participants will receive a course completion card from the OSHA Training Institute. 


Each participant receives a copy of the OSHA rules and regulations pertaining to general industry (29 CFR 1910) when attending either 10 or 30 hour course.


A+ Safety Training, LLC provides training designed to the meet various legal requirements of State and/or Federal Safety and Health Regulations.

Industrial Engineer


Crisis Planning, Emergency Response Plan Formation and Implementation, Ladder Safety, Safety Committees, Supervisor Responsibilities, and Personal Protective Equipment.


Hazard Communcation (29 CFR 1910.1200)

Hazard Communication is one of the most commonly cited violations.  This training is required as often as needed to maintain proficiency and whenever a new hazard is introduced into the work area, or when new information regarding chemical hazards is available.


Lockout Tagout (29 CFR 1910.146)

Lockout / Tagout training is required to be conducted for Authorized (those that lockout circuits) and Affected employees (those in the area of a lockout).  This training must be conducted when an annual inspection (required) reveals a deficiency, a lockout procedure change, a new hazard is introduced into the work area, or the employer has reason to believe the program is not being followed.


Hearing Conservation (29 CFR 1910.95)

Employees exposed to 85 dBA TWA (without regard to the effects of hearing protection worn) must be trained annually on the effects of noise and how to protect themselves.  The standard provides a specific list of required topics.  Classroom training only available.


Powered Industrial Truck Training (29 CFR 1910.178)

Employees operating powered industrial trucks must be trained prior to operation.  They must be re-trained when there is a near-miss or accident, the employer observes deficiencies in operations, a new hazard is presented or a new piece of equipment is introduced into the work environment.  They also must be re-trained when the documented 3-year observation (required) is performed and the employee is observed operating improperly.


Blood Borne Pathogens (29 CFR 1910.1030)

OSHA requires that anyone who has the possibility of occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens (BBP) or other potentially infectious materials (OPIM) receive annual training on BBP.  Our OSHA-compliant bloodborne disease training covers the most common types of BBP, including HBV, HCV, and HIV; modes of transmission of the diseases; universal precautions and body substance isolation practices; exposure reporting; and protection and prevention.  We also include additional information on other common communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB).


Accident Investigation

This program provides some theory and lots of practical approaches to effective accident investigation. The class concludes with a role-play investigation.


First Aid, CPR, AED and Oxygen Training

It is a requirement of OSHA that employees be given a safe and healthy workplace that is reasonably free of occupational hazards. However, it is unrealistic to expect accidents not to happen. Therefore, employers are required to provide medical and first aid personnel and supplies commensurate with the hazards of the workplace. The details of a workplace medical and first aid program are dependent on the circumstances of each workplace and employer.  We offer training to help employer comply with specific regulations (1910 Subpart K & R) and to handle medical emergencies until advanced care arrives.


Respirator Fit Testing (29 CFR 1910.134)

To ensure that the user is properly fitted to use a particular tight fitting respirator. The qualitative fit testing process will assist the user in determining the proper size of a specific make or model of respirator. This process is required for both positive and negative pressure devices.  People who are required to were tight fitting respiratory protection and who work in conditions where they may be exposed to particulate (dust, mist, fume, fiber) and non-particulate (vapor or gas) contaminants. Some examples of such people include industrial workers, military personnel, emergency responders and health care professionals.

Prior to the testing procedure: 


Before the Fit Testing procedure is to be conducted the following should be in place:

1.  User (employee) should be aware of the employers Respirator Protection Program.

2. The employer shall provide a variety of sizes of the proper respirator including the make and model of respirator intended for the job.

3.  Employees should have completed a Medical Questionnaire to ensure that they are able to wear and use the selected respirator and are able to complete the qualitative fit test. Any person (employee) with a medical condition will require medical clearance before they are to be qualitatively fit tested. When other PPE are required to be worn, these shall be supplied to the employee to wear during the fit test. For MALES: Please be clean-shaven.

4. User (employee) must refrain from eating, drinking, chewing gum or smoking the half hour before the test. The fit test procedure depends on your ability to taste the fit test agent, and any other taste in your mouth will interfere with the results.


Qualitative Testing Procedure

1.  Using a fit testing solution the following is performed:

2.  Donning / Doffing Respirators 

3.  Sensitivity test 

4.  Qualitative test 

5.  Series of six exercises (Normal breathing, Deep breathing, Head up and down, Head side to side, Talking, Normal Breathing). 

6.  The complete procedure takes approximately 20 minutes per respirator.


Fire Safety & Fire Extinguisher (29 CFR 1910.157)

This class is for Staff who have access to extinguishers in their workplace.  By the end of the course attendees will be able to identify how fires start and spread, state the classes of fire, identify and be able to use the correct fire extinguisher, and to understand the limitations of an extinguisher. Classroom only.

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